
A.D. Hogan

(left) with his family

A.D. Hogan creates one-of-a-kind mosaics using reclaimed wood. Whimsical and maximal, with bright colors and playful subjects. An explosion of interest.

In his own words:

I am excited about this partnership with Matter to bring my art to a wider audience.

I live in Eau Claire, Wisconsin with my wife and family. My studio is based out of our home.

Each piece of wood within my mosaics is hand cut on a scroll saw and colored using wood stains. My mosaics are artworks that repurpose our waste and reconnect us to the wild.

Art is a powerful medium for storytelling. Every good story embraces the restoration of what should otherwise be lost. Art can anchor us to those transcendental values of goodness, beauty, and truth found right here on the earth around us.

Facts About the Artist

  • Favorite Authors: Steinbeck, Thoreau, Henri Nouwen
  • Childhood Home: Tremont Bottom, LA
  • Favorite Place: Black Mountain, NC
  • Favorite Artist: Van Gogh
  • Hobbies: Writing, Fishing in rivers
  • Personality: Enneagram 3w4, Meyers Briggs INTJ